Wattpad India Profile Directory

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Welcome to the Official Guide of ChickLit India!

As quite obvious, this is a tad bit different from our lovely @ChickLit Wattpad profile as this is an genre-specific focus on Indian authors and Indian Stories.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of this profile, here is a bit of background information about us.

Our main profile, @AmbassadorsIN is the founder and still continues to be the Headquarters of all Ambassador run Indian Wattpad activity.

Why start a genre-specific profile?

The answer is pretty simple - it was something we were asked to do by the readers. The years of reading and writing experience that we have gained on Wattpad over the years have made us realize (and propounded by fellow writers and readers) is the need to create a niche for Indian authors and readers, to create and read stories that we Indians could relate to.

Keeping in mind this sentiment and increase the engagement of Indian audience, we came up with seven genres to focus on (maybe we will expand them as time goes)

MysteryThrillerIN - Wear your detective caps. Can you find you did it? Is the boy she met an admirer or a psychopath stalker? Who killed the Make it, even more Desi and write the whole cultural masala. If you are someone who likes to read mysteries and take extreme pleasure when your hunch turns out to be the twist in a particularly nail-biting thriller? Here's your fix.

PoetryIN - A beautiful form of literature that can touch the soul in beautifully crafted minimum words! So, if poetry is something that you need, we have got you covered - with all the Indian metaphors you need.

FanfictionIN- Love some characters or stories and can't help but wonder "What if...?" Exclusively for Indian Literature, TV shows and movies - So, if you want to write your twist of Premchand ki Kahaniya, or Malgudi Days or even the latest daily soap FanFictionIN has your back.

WattpadRomanceIN - While love is universal, the path to finding true love can have many cultural-bound obstacles. So, here's your delivery of desi-tadka Romance.

lgbtqIN - It is not just the Indian Legislature that's going to be inclusive - a platform for Indian writers to get their LGBTQ stories discovered here.

ChickLitIN - How can we forget about our own profile. ChickLitIN is all about Indian women, strong female characters and their struggles to handle it all. It is for real women, with their strengths, weaknesses and flaws - and their extraordinary adventures.

AmbassadorsIN - This profile's aim is to bring out all about the Indian Culture into the spotlight and bring in an Indian twist to this orange world of Wattpad. If you have the ' देसी spirit' and you enjoy Indian culture, then you will not regret following this profile.

That's all for now! Any questions? Queries? Comment below or DM!

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